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Athlete Profile: Melanie Morriss


Name: Melanie Morriss

Age: 47

Occupation: Accountant

Where do you live? Douglass, Kansas

How many years have you been running? 4 years

What are you training for? What are your goals? Currently training for Route 66 Half Marathon (November 2017) and OKC Memorial Half Marathon (April 2018)

Why do you run? I started running when I quit smoking so I would have a constant reminder why I didn’t want to do that anymore. I kept running because I just felt so much better, both mentally and physically. I have found an amazing group of running friends and our runs are now my social time.

What do you like best about working with Run Your Personal Best? I honestly felt like I had probably reached my full potential as a runner but since I’ve started working with Run Your Personal Best I’ve been amazed at the progress that I’ve made.

What advice would you give to other runners? There are good runs and bad runs but you can gain something from all runs.

What’s your favorite race you‘ve ever run? Why? OKC Memorial Half Marathon in 2016. I just didn’t realize it at the time so I have to go back and do it again. The crowd support is like no other race that I’ve done..

What gets you through tough runs or days you don’t want to run? Knowing my friends are waiting on me and also that I don’t want to tell Coach Cory why I didn’t do it. He keeps me accountable.

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