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Highlighted In The Philadelphia Inquirer


Run Your Personal Best was highlighted in the Philadelphia Inquirer last weekend, being interviewed by Jen Miller on “streaking,” running the same race year after year after year.

Jen interviewed Steve Gelman, a local runner who has run Broad Street 15 times. Jen was interested in understanding the benefits and drawbacks of “streaking.”

In short, there are a few benefits of doing the same race year after year including guaranteed entry (10 years for Broad Street), increase chance of PR by knowing the course and learning the little nuances that can make your race experience more enjoyable.

As for drawbacks, it’s good to mix up race distances throughout the year focusing on speed for a portion of the year. Also it’s easy to get stuck in a rut by doing the same racing schedule year after year. Changing the scenery by adding new races to your schedule can provide a much-needed sense of adventure.

You can read the full article by Clicking Here.

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