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2 Ways To Alter Your Long Run For Better Results
The long run is a staple in all marathon and ½ marathon training. It’s the one run that prepares you physically and mentally to tackle...
Road to C.I.M - 12 Weeks till Race Day
Weeks till C.I.M: 12 Weeks of Training: 7 Total Miles Run: 213.2 Made it through another tough week of training, and it’s going great....
Athlete Profile: Kathryn Welch
Coaches Note: Kathryn was referred to Run Your Personal Best from a current athlete back in July and is currently training for the Dallas...
The One Thing Every New Runner Does Wrong. Why Slow Runs Matter
Remember the old saying, “Slow and steady wins the race?” Well, when it comes to running there’s a lot of truth to that statement. If...
Road to C.I.M - 13 Weeks till Race Day
Weeks till C.I.M: 13 Weeks of Training: 6 Total Miles Run: 172.1 Well, here I am, gearing up to race a Marathon in December. I have been...
Athlete Profile: Chris Lewis
Coaches Note: Chris joined the Run Your Personal Best team in December 2016 to prepare for the Revel Marathon in Nevada where he set a...
How to Practice Your Goal Race Pace Before Race Day
Odds are at this point in your Broad Street Training you’ve landed upon a finishing time goal. There’s also a good chance your goal has...
Road to C.I.M - Intro
Hey Guys! My name is Yann Le Maitre and I have recently joined the Run Your Personal Best Team. Over the following weeks I will be...
Athlete Profile: Yann Le Maitre
We are looking forward to connect our great team members and increase the reach of our wonderful running community. As part of this...
The One Skill to Practice Now for a Stronger Race Day
If I asked you to run six miles, making each mile slightly faster than the previous, could you do it? The truth is, most runners would...
Do You Really Need to Cross Train?
For most of us, our time available to train for a race is limited by work, family and life’s more pressing issues. This can lead to...
Why Slow Running Will Help You Faster
Remember the old saying, “Slow and steady wins the race?” Well, when it comes to running, there’s a lot of truth to that statement. I...
Marathon Training: Are You Eating Enough Carbs?
I’m going to state the obvious here, but running a marathon and half marathon are very different then running a 5K or 10K. I’m not...
How to Tweak Your Long Run for Better Results on Race Day
The long run is a staple in all marathon and ½ marathon training. It’s the one run that prepares you physically and mentally to tackle...
This Is the Best Day to Do a Long Run
The weekly long run, the most important single run of the week and probably the one run you think about most: What route will I take? Is...
Training for the Philadelphia Marathon? Here Are 3 Important Things to Know.
So you’re really doing this — your first marathon. You’re signed up, committed and, hopefully at this point, deep into your training...
Heat & Humidity: Why it's Harder to Run & How to Survive It
Aren’t summers great? Weekends spent at the beach, pop-up parks, street festivals and outdoor dining galore make it a great place to be....
May Racing Report
One of Philadelphia’s biggest and best races takes place the first weekend in May. The Broad Street 10 Miler was a big race for Run Your...
Rock’n’Roll ½ Marathon verses Philly Marathon Weekend: Run Both Or Sit One Out
Typically 8 weeks separate the Rock’n’Roll Philly ½ Marathon and Philly Marathon weekend but with the Pope in town this year Competitor...
Two Rules Elite Runners Follow That You Should Follow, Too
At face value, running seems like a very simple sport. All you need is a pair of shoes and the will to exhaust yourself and that’s it:...
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